Monday, May 6, 2013

September 19, 2012

September 19, 2012
Dear Friends and Family,
Sorry for taking so long to write.  I’ve decided to use a different format and use lots of pictures. So here it goes….
Check out our cute children in Primary.  The teachers are beginning to do a great job teaching the children and our primary has grown to about 16 children.  Now the Primary president has her two counselors, the group can split into two classes, older and younger.  This is a picture of one of the counselors giving the Sharing Time message.

Here are some pictures of our trip to Las Terrenas on the North side, the Atlantic side, of the Island.  Carlos, of course, is watching the BYU game at the wifi center.  Lucrecia, the owner of our condo who invited us to stay in one of her condos in Las Terrenas, goes around town in Las Terrenas in her Arctic Cat. 
Here’s me on the 4-wheeler.ha ha ha

The house that Carlos is working on is almost done.  The floor needs to be poured and the door made.  Here’s a couple of the wooden windows that were just completed.  I think the carpenter did a great job.

Saturday, I went to the Primary President’s house to show her how to make bread.  Here is her niece taking a break from her travesuras eating the crunchies at the bottom of the rice bowl.

This is a picture of a young lady with her hair set, a typical scene around town.

 Carlos found another source of free wood and pressed board that he and another fellow hauled from Santo Domingo to Quisqueya (an hour’s drive).

The other fellow’s truck stopped 3 times and they had to push it the last leg of the journey. Several neighbors helped push it home to his house. There was more wood than they could use so they gave it away.  Here the Young Men and others are unloading to wood to give away.

We continue to search ways to help these people’s lives become better.  They typically have no running water, electricity for only part of the day and little funds for their children to buy notebooks that they need for school. I am going again this Saturday with Carlos to show the sisters how to make a cake while he works on the house and the mop-making business that he is helping the young boys to set up. I worry about the sanitary conditions in the kitchen.  Last week there were swarms of flies all over and lack of care in washing the dishes and countertops.  It was the first time since I’ve been here that I had a reaction from the food the next day.  Hmmm. Oh well, the Lord has indeed blessed us with excellent health.  We are very, very fortunate and I thank Him every day for my health.
Favor de perdonarme, mis amigos hispanohablantes por no traducir.  Me toma 2 a 3 horas para hacerlo y no tengo tanto tiempo.


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