Monday, May 6, 2013

June 24, 2012

In the next one or two weeks we will wrap up digitizing the marriage records at the JCE and will begin on the birth records.  They have been done up to the 1930's so we will continue from there.

Saturday we finally made it for a swim in the Caribbean for the second time.  The water is so nice and warm but there is no surf.

Before going we went to Quisquaya to make some visits trying to follow up on some of our ideas on helping the members to have a more prosperous lifestyle.  The common food they eat is fried bananas, rice, beans, yucca. Some families are lucky enough to have a mango tree in their yard however most families have very little of any of that. Carlos has thought of a way that the members could begin growing gardens in their yards.  We had a Branch Council meeting today and the members were very supportive of the idea.  On Saturday, Carlos and the young men are going to go to where there are cattle and collect cow manure.  One of the sisters has had training in preparing garden including making compost.  So they are going to begin composting plus begin growing seeds in little pots or cups in their homes to transplant.  Everyone is going to work together. The gardens will have to be above ground because soil is so bad so they will also need to build frames.  Because there are limited resources Carlos was thinking they could weave or bind together branches that are easily accessible for the frames.

We seem to be in Quisqueya more and more and I'm at last beginning to feel hope for these great people.  It's all in finding a way to reach their understanding of what one has to do to change their circumstances. Gifts and giving are nice but that takes away their self-reliance.   They are self-reliant now but have very little and have grown to accept their way of living rather then try to change it so of course they appreciate handouts and even ask for them at times but that will not solve the problem.

I am attaching some photos of a recent funeral.  The sister was baptized in December 2011 and left behind 3 children.  She had had health problems in the past and unfortunately wasn't following some of the medical advice. The children (she was divorced) are now with the dad and step-mother.  There was no church service, just a wake-like situation and then a procession to the cemetery.

We are indeed blessed to have the gospel and the peace that it brings.

Hma. Yturralde

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