Street vendors. Someone is always on this street corner selling these "piggy" banks and people buy them. I don't know exactly what their purpose is except of course to save money but kind of strange.

SCORED! This guy bought one.

We think these coconut oil palms that died for some reason and they are restoring them. There were miles upon miles of them. We saw them on our way to Las Terrenas which is on the north side of the island. You could see little green shots growing from the tops of the palms.
These are three Aaronic Priesthood boys who spent the night with us when the Branch went to the temple. We went to La Sirena which is like Walmart to pick up some chips and soda. It was all decorated for Christmas and they of course insisted on taking pictures.

Googing around after church services while waiting for Bro. Y to finish some church business and playing around with the automatic photo shoot on my camera.
day for this young man who was baptized November 10th.
The baptismal font is outside and they have to order a truckload of water to fill it. The truck comes with a tank of water that the driver attaches a hose to and then fills the font. The services were at 6:00 and it was already dark as you can see so we were unable to attend. We don't like to travel that far out of Santo Domingo after dark.
Love to all,
Carlos & Nancy
Quisqueya Chapel
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